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Soil testing


Static cone penetration test is internationally recognized as a standard fi eld test to collect data about bearing capacity and frictional resistance of soil.

STANDARD: EN ISO 22476-1. ASTM D-5778


Standard accessories

Data acquisition, depth registration & software

I. GME500 data acquisition system in

II. Depth registration system(comprises optical encoder,junction box, cables, etc)

III. CPTest Acquisition software for microsoft

IV. CPTask Presentation software for

V. Notebook computer buy locally

Cones & spares

I. Electric cone C10CFIIP(compression)

II. Cone tip for pore Pressure C10 cones

III. Retaining Ring for C10 cones

IV. Friction sleeve for C10 cones

V. Set of seals for C10 cone

VI. Pore pressure fi lter ring HDPE

Cable & Tubes

I. Cable complete(L=50 m)

II. Adapter (to match DAS connector socket)

III. Friction reducer 0.25m with ring (speedlock/C10)

IV. Friction reducer 0.25m with cams(speedlock/C10)

Also can be equipped with

CPT systems or NOVA system from GEOTECH Sweden

CPT systems from A.P. van den Berg Netherland

CPT systems from ENVI Sweden

Note: Because that product will be updated continually, pictures for reference only subject to available products.

Typical and complete electrical CPT system comprises:

• Electrical compression or subtraction cone with 10 cm 2 or 15 cm 2 cross-sectional area, supplied in portable protection case, calibration data printed and on a USB memory stick.

• Electric CPT cable, purpose made and coming in standard lengths of 2, 10, 30 and 50 m (from stock) or customised length on request. The unisex waterproof Lemo connectors (gold-plated) allow for extending the cable and fi t the cone and data acquisition system.

• Push-/pull clamp (twin ram pusher mounted) with built- in proximity switch for triggering the depth recording.

• Optical string pod or touch wheel depth encoder providing incremental digital pulses.

• Data acquisition system GME 500 (portable or built-in) for A/D conversion and data synchronisation.

• Sounding tubes and cross-over adapter.

• Windows computer (Notebook or industrial PC) for automatic recording of the CPT data.

• Windows based CPTest acquisition and CPTask presentation and interpretation software.

• Sine wave inverter converting the 12 or 24 Vdc into 230 Vac to feed the computer (option if required)

Electrical CPT(U)

Electrical CPT(U) probes, whether in compression or subtraction design, make up the most advanced measuring method for Cone Penetration Testing. High quality load cells and high precision calibration at Geomil make all electrical cones complying to EN ISO 22476-1 class 1 standards.

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