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Hand Auger Set

STANDARD: ASTM D420, D1452 / AASHTO T86, T202 / CNR a. VI n. 25

Hand auger set are suitable for hand-boring in cohesive soils or sands and gravels, above the water table to a depth of 5 or 6 metres.

Soil Auger Heads are constructed of heavy duty steel plates forming an open tube partly interlocking at the cutting end. Two diameters are available 100 mm or 150 mm.

The Gravel Auger Head comprises a one piece steel casting with a spiral point and two clap plates designed to close when lifting samples from the borehole. Its diameter is 150 mm.


Hand auger set  &  Dutch Bucket auger set

Model Description
16-T0006/A Hand auger head 100 mm dia.
16-T0007/A Hand auger head 150 mm dia.
16-T0008/A Spiral soil auger head 25 mm dia.
16-T0009/A Dutch bucket auger head 75 mm dia.
16-T0009/A1 Dutch bucket auger head 100 mm dia.
16-T0009/A3 1 m Extension rod
16-T0009/A4 1.2 m Extension rod


Soil Auger

YZ-1 Sampling equipment to take undisturbed soil sample.

Spare parts YZ-1

Bul dozer

Drill pipe: metal struction with scale

Drill cylinder: 100ml

Specimen cup: 100ml

LX-1 Spiral soil auger

Model LX-1

Auger head: Φ 50mm x 200mm

Drill pipe length: 5m

Weight: 16Kg

Drill pipe with scale

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