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NDT / Protection and repair of concrete structures


Digital resistivity 4 probe array meter

For assessing the possible rate of corrosion in reinforcing bars. The time at which corrosion of steel may commence and the rate at which it may proceed is dependent upon properties of the cement paste and the permeability of the concrete. Since the electrical conductivity of concrete is an electrolytic process, which takes place by ionic movement in the aqueous pore solution of the cement matrix, it follows that a highly permeable concrete will have a high conductivity and low electrical resistance.

Thus knowledge of the electrical resistance of a concrete can provide a measure of the possible rate of corrosion of steel embedded in it.


SR-4000 Digital resistivity 4 probe array meter

Model SR-4000

Measurement range: 0-2000 KΩ

Measure accuracy: 1 KΩ

Display stabilty: ±1  KΩ

Display mode: LCD panel

Input resistance: 100 MΩ

Keep function: Reading keep function

Battery operated: 12v,  approximately  4-6  hours  active operating time

Operation temperature: -10℃~50℃

Dimension: 185×85×45mm

Packing List


Wenner 4-probe array

Sponge plug plug

Cable  used  for  connecting  controller  and  wenner 4-probe array

Calibration Clock

Conductive solution

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