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Asphalt testing


STANDARD: EN 1097-2, ALSO CONFORMING TO NF P18-573, UNE 83 114, UNI 8520-19, CNR NO. 34, ASTM C131

Los angeles abrasion machine

EL42-5305/01 Los angeles abration machine consists of a rolled steel drum having an inside diameter of 710 mm and internal length 510 mm. The drum is rotated by a speed reducer driven by an electric motor at a speed of between 30 and 33 r.p.m. The machine is equipped with an automatic counter, which can be preset to the required number of revolutions of the drum. The unit is supplied without the abrasive charge, which has to be ordered separately depending on the standard in use.

Abrasive charges: Set of 12 abrasive charges conforming to ASTM/UNI/CNR Standards, set of 11 abrasive charges conforming to EN Standards.


Model EL42-5305/01

Internal dimension: 710mm×510mm(±5mm)

Rotate speed: 30-33 r.p.m

Outside dimension: 1100×780×100mm

Abrasive charges: dia. 50mm(6pcs) dia. 44.5mm(3pcs) dia. 40mm(3pcs) weight 5Kg±50g

Power: AC380V 50HZ

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