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Asphalt testing




SYD-806E Automatic ring and ball apparatus


This advanced microprocessor control ed automatic tester is used to determine the softening point of bitumen using, as heating fluid, water or glycerol. The softening point is taken by two light barriers suitably positioned and the temperature measured by a PT100 sensor placed in a middle position. During operation a magnetic stirrer with adjustable speed assures temperature uniformity in the vessel.

The temperature gradient is strictly maintained throughout the test by the electronic system conforming to the standards. It is used to test the temperature of asphaltum when asphaltum softens and drops 25mm under the heating conditions. Computer-controlled temperature rising speed, data checking, data saving and data processing.

Model SYD-2806E
Diameter of Steel Ball: 9.53mm
Weight of steel Ball: 3.5±0.05g
Heating container:  1000ml
Calefactive speed: 5℃±0.5℃/min
Temperature measure Range: 5~90℃
Paking size: 380x290x360mm
Gross weight: 6Kg
Net weight: 3Kg

Model SYD-2806H
Determinate sample quantity every time: 4 ps
Power supply: 220V(+10%, -5%) 50Hz AC
Working surroundings: room temperature is less 35℃
Determinate range: Sample softening point is below 80℃, distilled water as heating medium, +5.0℃~+80℃
Sample softening point is more than 80℃, glycerol as heating medium, +32℃~+160℃
Temperature distinguish: 0.01℃
Stirrer: Stirring speed adjustable continuously
Heating speed:  Adjusted  to  5.0±0.5℃/min after 3 min
Softening point solution: LCD display, printer print
Heating power: 600W
Packing size: 480x360x600 mm
Gross weight: 18 Kg
Net weight: 12 Kg
With RS-232C communication port

SYD-2806G Automatic ring and ball apparatus

Model SYD-2806G
Measure range: 5~80 32~160
Calefactive speed: 5±0.5/min
Diameter of steel Ball: 9.53 mm
Weight of steel Ball: 3.5±0.05 g
Volume of heating container: 1000 ml
Packing size:  480x360x600 mm
Gross weight: 19 Kg
Net weight:  14 Kg
Computer-control ed temperature rising speed, automatical y data checking, data saving and data processing or RS232.

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