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The Slurry Test Kit is a portable kit with materials and equipment for measuring slurry properties. With this kit, the user can obtain laboratory-quality measurements of Marsh funnel viscosity, specific gravity or density and sand content.

These tests comply with API Recommended Practice for Field Testing Water Based Drilling Fluids, API RP 13B-1.


64-L0056 Marsh funnel viscometer

Marsh funnel viscometer

The Marsh funnel viscometer is made of rugged, break- resistant plastic that resists to the temperature change deformation.

Volumetric accuracy is assured. Plastic handle provides insulation for user’s hands.

A metal orifi ce assures accurate readings.

The Marsh funnel is used for routine viscosity determinations on almost every drilling rig. Supplied complete with measuring cup 946ml capacity and 2000ml mud cup.

Sieve: 200 mesh

Top dia.: 150 mm

Nozzle length and internal dia.: 50x5 mm

Total length: 355 mm

Weight approx.: 0.5 kg

XYM-1 Mud balance & YM-3 Mud balance

Mud balance

The mud balance provides a simple method for the accurate determination of mud density. The durable construction of the mud balance makes it ideal for fi eld use. Principally the balance consists of a base and graduated arm with cup, lid, knife-edge, rider, built-in spirit level, and counter-weight. The constant volume cup is affi xed to one end of the graduate arm and the counter weight on the opposite end. A plastic carrying case is provided that holds the balance in working position.

Model YM series mud balance is made of plastic.

Model XYM series mud balance is made of stainless steel.

64-L0064 Sand content test kit

Sand content test kit

Sieve analysis apparatus for determining the sand content of drilling muds. The kit consists of a special 200 mesh sieve 2½” dia., fastered inside a collar upon either end of which fi ts a small funnel.

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