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Fresh concrete testing



Slump-Flow test
This  test  method  covers  evaluation  of  the  deformability  of  freshly  mixed  self-compacting  concrete(SCC)  from  observation  of  the  deforming  speed  and  the  spread  diameter  of  deformed  sample  under  the  self-weight.
This  test  method  is  intended  for  use  with  highly  fluidised  concretes  made  with  superplasticiser.  It  is  not  applicable  to  concretes  made  with  aggregates  whose  maximum  size  exceeds 40 mm.

SM-FL Slump cone
Manufactured from sheet steel protected against corrosion.
Top dia. 100 mm, base dia. 200 mm, height 300 mm.

Weight approx: 2 kg

SM-BP90 Plate
Made  of  steel,  900  x  900 mm  with  engraved  200  and  500
mm dia. circles
Weight approx: 10kg


Accessories This need to be ordered separately.

Stop watch – precise to ~0.05 seconds

J-Ring Test

This test method covers the determination of flowability, flow time and the capacity of the SCC concrete to go through obstacles.

54-C0147/C J-Ring apparatus

Galvanised steel, 300 mm dia., with 16 single rods 18 mm dia.

Dimension: 900x900x130mm

Weight approx.: 30 kg

Sieve Segregation Test

Used for determining the sieve segregation resistance of self-compacting concrete. This method is not applicable to concrete containing fi bres or lightweight aggregates.

54-C0147/F Sieve segregation test set

The set includes a 300 mm dia. test sieve with perforated plate 5 mm opening, pan and plastic bucket 11 l cap.

Weight approx.: 3kg

L-Shape Box Test

The method covers evaluation of self-compactability (confined flowability) of freshly mixed self-compacting concrete. With the L-shaped box it is possible to evaluate
different properties, such as filling ability, passing ability, and resistance to segregation

54-C0147/B L-Shape box apparatus

Complete with funnel tube and frame to simulate reinforcement.

Dimensions: 700x200x700 mm

Weight approx.: 30 kg

U-Shape Box Test

This test method covers the determination of confined flowability and the capacity of the SCC concrete to flow within confi ned spaces.

54-C0147/D U-Shape box apparatus

Made of galvanised steel with frame consisting of four 10 mm dia. bars and three 13 mm dia. bars.

Dimensions: 250x250x710 mm

Weight approx.: 20 kg

V-Funnel Test

54-C0147 V-Funnel

This apparatus is used to evaluate the segregationresistance of freshly mixed self-compacting concrete bythe observation on the flowing speed due to the differenceof samples remaining period in the funnel. It consists of afunnel placed vertically on a supporting stand, having 10litres capacity, stand mounted.

The upper edge of the funnel is smooth and reinforced, andthe outflow orifice is equipped of an openable seal valve.

Funnel (width x deep): 515 x 75 mm

Height over all: 1000 mm

Weight approx: 20 kg


These need to be ordered separately

Stopwatch with the accuracy of 0.1 second for recording the fl ow time.

Buckets with a capacity of 12-14 litres for taking concrete sample.

Moist sponge or towel for wetting the inner surface of the V-funnel.

These need to be ordered separately.

Straightedge for levelling the concrete.

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