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Soil testing


Bulk series Specification

Model Rated penetration force (KN) Rated penetration force (KN) Engine
TPC-25B 250 280 ZS1110
TPC-20B 200 240 ZS1105
TPC-15B 150 180 R1100
TPC-10B 100 130 R195
TPC-8B 80 100 R190
TPC-5B 50 70 R180


30 40 R170


CPT - VST Dual-use Apparatus (TPC-3V)

It is not only just the lightest CPT machine, but also vane shear test machine (i.e. VST). Its rated penetration force is 30KN (3t) and the test depth is up to 30m (in soft soil area).

While doing CPT test, it could work with 10cm 2 probe, also 10cm 2 pore-pressure probe while doing CPTu test.

This machine is manual operation, suitable for clay, silt, sand, etc. After over 20 years application and development, now it is improved to put up a perfect performance. Vane shear test ranges 0 ~130KPa, Cross Board To Board head confi guration 50 × 100 (mm) (general) or 75 × 150 (mm) 75 × 100 (mm) (special)

CPT Truck Rig (TPC-25X)


1. All axis 4WD chassis which is designed for off-road.

2. Unique design of power room apart from work room. Work room equips offi ce desk, cabinet and other facilities that make it more convenient to operate the test. Also, apart from oil tank, engine and radiating system, work room is less noisy, less vibration and less air-pollution.

3. Drive power’s supplied by hydraulic system to reduce oil wear and be friendly to environment.

4. Inverted structure of penetration cylinder. Thus the quantity of hydraulic tube could greatly decrease and the penetration could be more stable.

5. Rods would be nipped by hydraulic penetration system. It will be a saver of time and strength while making the operation more safe and effi cient.

6. Video unit mounted on rods helps you monitor the penetration process of rods.

7. With two air-condition – one in work room, one in drive room.

8. Also suitable for CPTu, Flat Dilate Test, VST(Vane Shear Test), etc.

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